While we focus on helping US Veterans and Returning Citizens, this podcast is totally relevant to anyone who might be interested in becoming more empowered in their career pursuits. We share new ideas, techniques, emerging opportunities, approaches and information about a growth mindset that enables you to be more in control of your career and ultimately, your life. For more information, please go to: https://tinyurl.com/C-RConsulting

Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Interview with Susan McCain, Veteran, Educator and Entrepreneur
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Susan has been able to truly become empowered in her life's pursuits.
She started out as a combat medic with the Michigan Army National Guard, moved on to becoming and Educator and has since retired and taken up Photography.
Since she "never wants to retire", she is continuing to stay active in supporting veterans and is a firm believer in the value of mentoring and volunteering.
A veteran mentoring group that she wanted me to mention is: Veterati.com Check them out.
Also, her email address is: susanmccain728@gmail.com and I know she would be happy to hear from you.
Susan, thank you for taking the time to allow me to interview you and I hope that you are able to continue to support women veterans for a very long time.

Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
There are two ways to find opportunities. You can scan the want ads and hope someone will give you a job or you can take advantage of disruptive change in your area of interest, and position yourself to be valuable within that specific space.
In the late 80's Design Engineers had to learn how to think differently. They were using drafting tables and thinking in 2D space and when the revolution in workstations happened, they had to start thinking in 3D space. The newer people had an advantage because they were trained in the 3D space.
Later, the iPhone ushered in a whole new way of connecting with the internet and the folks that were able to think differently, were better able to take advantage of the new technology.
Recently, in the world of Project Management, there is a movement away from traditional "waterfall" approaches to a concept called "Agile Project Management". Agile, like other disruptive changes, requires a new way of thinking.
And just think of the opportunities that will emerge from the "Black Lives Matter" movement as the Global Economy pivots to respond to injustice in positive ways.
Bottom line, look for disruptive changes in your areas of interest. Be open to a new way of thinking. Prepare yourself for the new approach and you will be able to capitalize on the change and truly take advantage of the new environment.
Good luck.

Saturday Jun 13, 2020
A No Nonsense Approach to helping you Create and Nurture your own Personal Brand
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Here is your chance to learn about a simple, 10 step approach to creating and nurturing your own personal brand.
We all have a brand. By using this approach, you can manage yours so that it is communicating to the external world the story that you want told.
Check it out and good luck.

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Chris has been working with adult males who have committed sex crimes but have served their time and are now trying to re-integrate into their community.
She highlights some of the major challenges this group faces in terms of the stigma associated with their crimes but also has a lot of very positive and uplifting stories of success.
She summarizes the necessary work into three categories: 1. Find Help, 2. Prepare to do the Hard Work, and 3. Don't lose faith, keep working at it.
If you are interested in a national resource for support groups, you can go to the following web site: atsa.com

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Take some time to enjoy listening to Jeff Arnold as he discusses some of the challenges and opportunities veterans are facing as they make the transition from the military to the civilian world.
Jeff discusses some of the challenges associated with PTSD and encourages veterans to visit the VA.gov website for help if needed.
He also talks about helping veterans take advantage of the opportunities at Oakland Community College and especially invites everyone to participate in a Career Services Workshop that will be held on July 16th. You can either reach out to Jeff directly at jlarnold@oaklandcc.edu or sign up at: occ-virtual-veterans-career-services-workshop.eventbrite.com
Good luck

Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Hear what April Halliburton has to say about founding her business over 10 years ago as a vehicle to bridge the gap between small businesses and great HR and the work she is now doing to support veterans and returning citizens.
Her company, All-4-HR & Business Solutions LLC, manages and consults with small businesses that have from 2 to 49 employees throughout the country.
In addition, she is also a proud Volunteer with SCORE, a Certified Mentor, a Workshop Facilitator, and an HR Consultant.

Monday Jun 22, 2020
Monday Jun 22, 2020
Join us for an interview with Gerald Thomas and hear about the services he provides to veterans.
Gerald is currently active in the military and has several years of experience counselling veterans with PTSD and other Mental Health challenges along with helping vets with their career pursuits.
He is a firm believe that any door is open to a vet and if he cannot help you, he will get you in touch with someone who can.
Gerald is very outgoing, friendly and a true joy to be with.
You can reach him at his email address at: gerald.thomas3@va.gov
or go to the following website, select contact us, and let me know that you want to reach out to Gerald.

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tune into the recent interview I had with Ed Ruckle and learn about a great resource that he has created for veterans.
Ed is Canadian born but chose to join the USAF and is now helping US veterans achieve what he calls the Perfect Patient Experience.
He has had some great experience both in and out of the military and I am sure you will enjoy listening to his story.
You can learn more about his services by checking out: veteranfacilitator.com

Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with their song unsung". H. D. Thoreau
We have a better way and can help veterans, and returning citizens, make the transition into civilian life.
Over the next several days we will be posting one episode every other day until we have covered all 9 steps in this process.
Take charge of your career and your life. Become empowered and listen in to these upcoming podcasts so that you are truly in charge of your career.
Good luck.

Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Step One - Think like an Entrepreneur
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Step one is possibly the hardest of the 9 steps. It requires you to choose to make a personal change in how you think.
Changing how we think can be very difficult but if we are not prepared to change our thinking, we really cannot expect to get different outcomes.
It all starts with how we think and so this step gives you 9 different elements associated with thinking like an entrepreneur.
Take some time to listen to the podcast, and then reflect on what we are saying. Make the commitment to think differently and you will be much more successful in implementing the following 8 steps.
Good luck.