While we focus on helping US Veterans and Returning Citizens, this podcast is totally relevant to anyone who might be interested in becoming more empowered in their career pursuits. We share new ideas, techniques, emerging opportunities, approaches and information about a growth mindset that enables you to be more in control of your career and ultimately, your life. For more information, please go to: https://tinyurl.com/C-RConsulting

Monday Jun 29, 2020
Step Two - Managing the Winds of Change
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Monday Jun 29, 2020
Learn about a model to help you navigate the winds of change that will inevitably occur when you try to change your mindset, and your behaviors, in order to think more like an entrepreneur.
Building on the Kubler-Ross Change Model, we delve into the concepts of Surviving, Adapting and ultimately Flourishing in a new mindset that is empowering and growth oriented.
Take some time to listen and then reflect how this model can serve you as you choose to take on more change in your life.

Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Step Three - Understanding your Preferences
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Take some time to truly reflect on what is important to you in your career.
Many times we wind up doing things because of family pressure or because we know we can get a job, but we do not listen to our hearts and truly understand what it is that we want to be doing.
In this podcast we review some of the elements that you might be experiencing in your Career Dilemma and how to overcome those challenges.
Also, begin to explore the benefits of networking and doing informational interviews in helping you gain a better understanding of your career calling.
As a reminder, here are some resources that you might want to use the following.
onetonline.org to get information on different careers and
https://tinyurl.com/VetsandRC to connect with us and let us know how we might be better able to serve you.
Good luck.

Friday Jul 03, 2020
Step Four - Identifying your Personal Brand
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
We all have a personal brand. It is what people say about us when we are not in the room.
Is your brand what you want it to be? Are you taking steps to know what it is and ensuring that it gets communicated when you meet someone?
Learn about taking the information from the prior three steps and incorporating some of that content into your external message.
Good luck.

Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Drones are just for recreational use. Right?
No way! In addition to recreational use there are Enthusiasts that actually race drones and there are a new wave of Enterprise Opportunities that can produce money making opportunities flying drones, or as Joe White likes to call them, Autonomous Systems.
Interested? Dial in to listen to my interview with Joe White about the opportunities that are set to explode as the 5G networks are updated.
Joe is the owner of +5 Technology ASG and provides training to people who are interested in becoming certified in this new and emerging technology.
If you have questions of Joe, send him an email at Joewhite51@gmail.com our you can go to the following web page and contact us listing your interest in drone technology. https://tinyurl.com/VetsandRC
Joe's business is located at 19730 Ralston Suite 113, Detroit, MI 48203.
Good luck.

Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Step Five - Developing your Personal Value Proposition
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Don't be turned off by the term Value Proposition. I realize that it is business jargon, but we all look at the value proposition that a good or service has when we choose to buy it. Is the value greater than the price or less than the price? How you answer that question will determine your degree of satisfaction with the value you have received.
It is the same thing in the job market.
Learn to develop a Personal Value Proposition that is Compelling, Valuable, Relevant, Current and Expansive.
Also, give thought to how your Value Proposition has a positive impact on People in the organization, the Customer and/or the Profitability of the Business.
Good luck.

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Step Six - Identifying the Under-served Need
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
This is not about dusting off your resume and then sending it to as many leads as you can find in the hopes that someone will take pity on you and give you a job.
That approach puts them in control.
I Inc, is all about you being in control. And, sometimes, that might create a little anxiety.
if it does, you might want to go back and listen to the first three steps again.
This is where the proverbial "rubber meets the road". Where you take control and source opportunities that meet your needs and value proposition.
It is not easy, but once you master this approach, you will have more opportunities than you can handle, and that is definitely the right place to be.
Good luck.

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Step Seven - Telling your Story in Written Format
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Now it is time to take your story to the job market.
In this step we will be talking about how you can use written media to communicate your story.
The top three tools that you will be using are: 1. Your Resume, 2. Your Cover Letter and 3. Your Email.
Be sure to think about how you want your story to be told and do not just list a bunch of facts.
Craft a story that is engaging and will make someone want to read about it.
And if you want to play around with a cool tool, check out: http://www.wordle.net/
It will create a word cloud of a written document. Put your resume, or your cover letter, or any other written documentation that you are using in your job search, into the application, and see if the word cloud agrees with the key points that you are trying to convey.
Good luck with telling your personal story in written form.

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Interview with Tonya Mora, Owner of Sweed Dreams
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Tuesday Jul 07, 2020
Want to get dose of enthusiasm from someone who has built a successful business in the plant based medicinal environment?
Join the podcast with Tonya Mora and learn about plant based medicine but also about what it takes to become successful in an entrepreneurial environment.
Tonya is a Navy Vet, former Corrections Officer and now a successful entrepreneur with her own business model.
If you want to reach out to her, her phone number is: 313-704-6694 and her email address is: sweeddreamsinfo@gmail.com
Her webpage is www.sweeddreams.com
Hope you enjoy listening to her. She has a great story to tell.

Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Step Eight - Telling Your Personal Story Orally
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
Wednesday Jul 08, 2020
In addition to networking and opportunities to share your elevator pitch, the interview context is the most significant opportunity you will have to tell your personal story.
Before the interview be sure to research the organization and prepare some questions that you want to ask.
During the interview you might get a "situational" question or a "behavioral" one. A situational question is exactly what it says, i.e. a hypothetical situation. When they ask that kind of question, they are looking for leadership. Use the VALUE framework to describe how you would handle the situation. V - Vision, Al - Alignment of Resources, U - Understand, ensure everyone truly understands what is going on and E - Enactment - make it happen.
For the Behavioral questions, use the model STAR. Situation, Task, Action and Result.
And be sure to follow up after the interview with a thank you message.
If you want to learn more about interviewing techniques, check out the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT68iezmHnE
Good luck.

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Step Nine - Telling your story using Social Media
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Welcome to the 9th and final step in the process to help you become more empowered in the pursuit of your career aspirations.
Social media is a must in today's job market and LinkedIn is the best tool for you to be seen by recruiters.
Here are two videos produced by LinkedIn that will help you to create or revise your profile:
Also, if you want to have a follow up conversation about any of the steps or the I Inc process itself, please go to the following web page, select contact us and let us know how we can help you.
Good luck in your career pursuits.